Bnd Gradle Plugin for Gradle Projects

Bnd Gradle Plugin for Gradle Projects

Gradle Plugin for developing OSGi bundles with Bnd in a typical Gradle build. Bnd is the premiere tool for creating OSGi bundles. This Gradle plugin is from the team that develops Bnd. See for information on using in a typical Gr...

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
6.3.x 6.3.1 central jún 07, 2022
6.3.0 central jún 01, 2022
6.2.x 6.2.0 central feb 26, 2022
6.1.x 6.1.0 central nov 22, 2021
6.0.x 6.0.0 central okt 04, 2021
5.3.x 5.3.0 central feb 22, 2021
5.2.x 5.2.0 central okt 15, 2020
4.3.x 4.3.1 central jan 14, 2020