Units of Measurement API

Units of Measurement API

Units of Measurement Standard - This JSR specifies Java packages for modeling and working with measurement values, quantities and their corresponding units.

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
2.2.x 2.2 central
2.1.x 2.1.3 central jún 16, 2021
2.1.2 central feb 12, 2021
2.1.1 central nov 21, 2020
2.1 central nov 16, 2020
2.0.x 2.0 central júl 07, 2019
2.0-EDR central aug 18, 2018
1.0.x 1.0 central aug 17, 2016
0.9.x 0.9 central júl 02, 2016
0.8.x 0.8 central nov 14, 2015
0.8-RC3 central júl 02, 2015
0.8-RC2 central apr 19, 2015
0.8-RC1 central mar 22, 2015
0.7.x 0.7 central dec 24, 2014