Apache Sling Commons Log

Apache Sling Commons Log

This bundle embeds Logback which provides the SLF4J logging API. The embedding supports dynamic OSGi-configuration without requiring to edit some global filesystem based XML file.

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
5.5.x 5.5.0 central
5.1.x 5.1.10 central sep 07, 2018
5.1.8 central máj 20, 2018
5.1.6 central apr 24, 2018
5.1.4 central mar 22, 2018
5.1.2 central feb 22, 2018
5.1.0 central nov 27, 2017
5.0.x 5.0.2 central máj 29, 2017
5.0.0 central okt 20, 2016
4.0.x 4.0.6 central aug 04, 2015
4.0.4 central júl 27, 2015
4.0.2 central mar 30, 2015
4.0.0 central feb 27, 2014
3.0.x 3.0.2 central aug 26, 2013
3.0.0 central jan 31, 2012
2.1.x 2.1.2 central jan 18, 2011
2.1.0 central dec 16, 2010
2.0.x 2.0.6 central júl 31, 2009
2.0.2-incubator central jún 13, 2009
2.0.4-incubator central máj 13, 2009