

Commons XMLSchema is a light weight schema object model that can be used to manipulate or generate a schema. It has a clean, easy to use API and can easily be integrated into an existing project since it has almost no dependencies on third party libraries.

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
1.4.x 1.4.7 central sep 22, 2010
1.4.6 central apr 26, 2010
1.4.5 central apr 18, 2009
1.4.4 central mar 13, 2009
1.4.3 central dec 10, 2008
1.4.2 central apr 17, 2008
1.4.1 central apr 15, 2008
1.4 central apr 05, 2008
1.3.x 1.3.2 central júl 25, 2007
1.3.1 central apr 13, 2007
1.2.x 1.2 central nov 14, 2006
.x SNASHOT central mar 22, 2008