

AsciidoctorJ Diagram Plantuml bundles the Asciidoctor Diagram Plantuml RubyGem (asciidoctor-diagram-plantuml) so it can be loaded into the JVM using JRuby.

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
1.2024.x 1.2024.3 central mar 03, 2024
1.2024.0 central feb 12, 2024
1.2023.x 1.2023.13 central feb 03, 2024
1.2023.12 central dec 16, 2023
1.2023.10 central sep 17, 2023
1.2023.5 central
1.2022.x 1.2022.14 central feb 04, 2023
1.2022.5 central
1.2021.x 1.2021.8 central aug 19, 2021