Databene jdbacl

Databene jdbacl

'jdbacl' stands for 'Java DataBase ACcess Layer' and provides utilities for accessing JDBC databases from Java programs, retrieving meta information in an object model and querying database data.

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
0.8.x 0.8.19 central sep 25, 2014
0.8.3 central jún 21, 2012
0.8.2 central máj 11, 2012
0.8.1 central apr 11, 2012
0.8.0 central feb 06, 2012
0.7.x 0.7.1 central dec 12, 2011
0.7.0 central nov 30, 2011
0.6.x 0.6.12 central okt 21, 2011
0.6.11 central sep 15, 2011
0.6.10 central sep 11, 2011
0.6.9 central jún 30, 2011
0.6.8 central jún 30, 2011
0.6.6 central feb 25, 2011
0.6.5 central feb 25, 2011
0.6.4 central dec 14, 2010
0.6.3 central aug 05, 2010