

config specifying that docx4j should use the JAXB reference impls

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
8.3.x 8.3.1 central júl 12, 2021
8.3.0 central máj 31, 2021
8.2.x 8.2.9 central apr 15, 2021
8.2.8 central jan 05, 2021
8.2.7 central dec 13, 2020
8.2.6 central dec 07, 2020
8.2.4 central nov 13, 2020
8.1.x 8.1.4 central dec 23, 2019
8.1.3 central aug 29, 2019
8.1.2 central júl 31, 2019
8.1.1 central jún 29, 2019
8.0.x 8.0.0 central apr 21, 2019
11.4.x 11.4.8 central
11.2.x 11.2.9 central apr 17, 2021
11.2.8 central jan 07, 2021
11.2.5 central nov 18, 2020
11.1.x 11.1.3 central aug 28, 2019
11.1.2 central aug 04, 2019