A JNI code generator based on the JNI generator used by the eclipse SWT project

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
1.17 central apr 03, 2019
1.16 central feb 02, 2018
1.15 central máj 04, 2017
1.14 central jún 20, 2016
1.13 central apr 26, 2016
1.12 central apr 26, 2016
1.11 central apr 21, 2015
1.10 central feb 12, 2014
1.9 central sep 09, 2013
1.8 central máj 13, 2013
1.7 central mar 20, 2013
1.6 central aug 09, 2012
1.5 central sep 21, 2011
1.4 central aug 19, 2011
1.3 central aug 08, 2011
1.2 central jún 18, 2011
1.18 central