ODFDOM is an OpenDocument Format (ODF) framework. Its purpose is to provide an easy common way to create, access and manipulate ODF files, without requiring detailed knowledge of the ODF specification. It is designed to provide the ODF developer community with an e...

Verzia Úloţiska Zvyklosti Dátum
1.0.x 1.0.0-BETA1 central okt 06, 2019
0.9.x 0.9.0-RC1 central okt 05, 2019
0.9.0 central
0.8.x 0.8.7 central jan 20, 2011
0.8.6 central nov 03, 2010
0.12.x 0.12.0 central
0.11.x 0.11.0 central
0.10.x 0.10.0 central