OPS4J Pax Runner - Commons

OPS4J Pax Runner - Commons

Pax Runner - Common utilities shared between modules. The jar is not required to be deployed alongside the artifacts that uses parts of it. The used parts are embeded into the artifact via maven depenency plugin + maven bundle plugin. See details at http://wiki.ops4j.org/confluence/x/A4A6.

Compile závislosti (1)

Skupiny / Artefakt Verzia Novšia Verzia
org.ops4j.pax.swissbox » pax-swissbox-optional-jcl 1.2.0 1.8.4

Provided závislosti (2)

Skupiny / Artefakt Verzia Novšia Verzia
org.osgi » org.osgi.compendium 4.0.1 5.0.0
org.osgi » org.osgi.core 4.0.1 6.0.0

Test závislosti (2)

Skupiny / Artefakt Verzia Novšia Verzia
junit » junit 4.4 4.13.2
org.easymock » easymock 2.3 5.1.0